Hello! Welcome to my new platform for photo-sharing.
Over the past several years I’ve slowly taken a greater interest in photography as a form of self-expression, sharing experiences, and a tool to combat mental health issues like anxiety.
In 2018 I found myself spending too much time on social media, which inadvertently led to increased feelings of anxiety and difficulties being mindful of the present moment. What I also discovered in 2018 was film photography (many thanks to my partner, Peter, for that). Photography, specifically with film, has been a great tool for me to reconnect with the present, to slow down, to take fewer things in life for granted. There is something centering about knowing that you have a limited number of shots on each roll of film, and that you have to make each one count.
Shooting film has made me a happier person, but the outset of 2019 left me searching for ways to continue sharing photos outside of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram that were detrimental to my mental health.
I haven’t decided to eliminate my presence on social media altogether, but expect fewer posts on those platforms, and more updates here. I’ll be posting most photos, without comment, on the ‘Film Photography’ page, and any photos or series I feel deserve more reflection here on the blog.
Thanks for stopping by!